Hi everybody, I really don’t update the site nearly often enough, but thanks for reading and don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook (which I also don’t update nearly often enough, but…). A few things to update you on:
1) I contributed a cover of Austin’s own Daniel Johnston’s song “True Love Will Find You In the End” to this benefit compliation: http://thegracielawmixtape.bandcamp.com/album/the-gracie-law-mixtape All proceeds go to a really good cause. Read more on the compliation’s page.
2) I’m leaning towards #LP4 being released as a series of EPs, which means we can crank them out quicker than a whole album (sorry about that three-year wait last time, everybody). No release dates yet, but things are coming along really, really well.
3) Our cover of My Bloody Valentine’s “Only Shallow” was featured in the latest compilation by Psychgazer, a mix of psychedelic and shoegazer bands. Check out their Facebook page here.
More news to come!